



  • 公司名稱北京宏昌信科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質代理商
  • 更新時間2015/11/24 9:27:55
  • 訪問次數987


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主要代理廠家有 :美國華瑞氣體檢測儀,法國奧德姆公司的氣體檢測儀,英思科氣體檢測儀,美國TSI環境檢測儀,美國奧豪斯,,日本日置,德國恩尼克斯,英國離子。

美國華瑞氣體檢測儀,pgm-7340 ,英思科mx6氣體檢測儀,TSI環境檢測儀,意大利哈納
Dionex offers four polymer-based columns for the separation of proteins by ion exchange chromatography.
生物液相色譜柱 產品信息



MX6復合氣體檢測儀    現貨美國英思科M40四合一氣體檢測儀

TN3紅外測溫儀     fluke 59mini紅外測溫儀   照度計 CENTER337   tx2000 h2氫氣檢測儀   HI93734-01余氯、總氯(Cl2)配套試劑    HI93735-01總硬度配套試劑

3011食品中心溫度計  FD216測氡儀土壤取樣器  HGY2058在線電磁式酸堿濃度計

HGY2018在線PH   RE5299 旋轉蒸發器  AR3130電子天平   SA1200(P)空氣消毒機

YSI85-10 手提式野外水質測量儀  DO200在線溶解氧測定儀   YSI556MPS型多參數水質檢測儀  3M6800防毒面罩  美國華瑞PGM-2400 四合一復合式氣體檢測儀  YSI3100 電導率儀   HT10S煙氣黑度照相測定儀  正壓式空氣呼吸器   COD-571-1型消解裝置

PPMhtv甲醛檢測儀  AD102農藥檢測卡  DYM3型空盒氣壓表 PROVA5637鉤式接地電阻計   

PRM-3040射線檢測儀  美國MSA 10108311歐特防護眼鏡   PGM-1700 硫化氫便攜式氣體檢測儀   MIC-800-CO2便攜式二氧化碳檢測儀    MIC-500-CH4O 甲醇探測器

YSI 550A型便攜式溶氧儀  TES-1360A溫濕度計   GM1357聲級計

PGM-7840復合氣體檢測儀   GDYS-102SJ尿素測定儀   GDYS-101ST鐵測定儀

GDYS-101SC2臭氧測定儀   GDYN-110SA農藥殘毒快速檢測儀(10通道)

GDYS-101SC2臭氧測定儀  D3A激光測距儀


現貨美國英思科M40四合一氣體檢測儀  M40硫化氫傳感器  PGM-7840復合氣體檢測儀   PGM-6208 6合一氣體檢測儀   FGM-1100 IR 可燃氣在線監測儀

PRM-1200(DoseRAE 2)射線檢測儀   FGM-3300 環氧乙烷(ETO)氣體檢測儀

M40一氧化碳傳感器     M40氧氣傳感器   PGM-1600可燃氣體儀


ProPac Ion Exchange
ProPac HIC-10
ProPac IMAC-10
Acclaim 300 Reversed-Phase
Acclaim PepMap
Acclaim PepMap Micro and Capillary
Acclaim PepMap and TiO2 Nano Precolumns  
PepSwift Monolithic Columns and Precolumns
Amino Acid Columns
Nucleic Acid Columns
Carbohydrate Columns
ProPac 離子交換色譜柱

Dionex offers four polymer-based columns for the separation of proteins by ion exchange chromatography. Each of these ultra-high efficiency columns provides sufficient resolution to allow separation of protein isoforms that, in many cases, differ by only a single amino acid residue.
ProPac HIC 色譜柱
The ProPac® HIC-10 is a new silica-based HPLC column for the separation of proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. These HIC columns have been developed with multifunctional ligand attachments to provide enhanced hydrolytic stability under standard HIC elution conditions. The ProPac HIC-10 columns offer exceptional resolution and provide high loading capacity, making them ideal for protein separation and purification. Proswift 整體柱 Acclaim 300 反相硅膠色譜柱,用于蛋白,多肽,和小分子物質的分離
The Acclaim® 300 columns are a wide-pore line of C18 reversed-phase columns manufactured by Dionex for the separation of proteins, peptides, and other biological macromolecules. This line of columns extends the same unique bonding chemistry developed for the Acclaim 120 columns to a wide-pore silica substrate. The Acclaim 300 columns consist of 3-µ-diameter silica particles with 300-Å diameter pores, bonded with a highly characterized C18 phase. The unique bonding chemistry results in a high-density, highly uniform phase coverage with extensive end-capping.






ProPac IMAC 色譜柱
The ProPac IMAC-10 Column is an HPLC column for the separation, by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), of certain proteins and peptides with an affinity for a specific group of metals. This column represents the latest advancement in IMAC technology; it is a true high pressure, high resolution column capable of separating not only metal-binding proteins from non metal binding proteins, but in many cases also providing resolution of retained metal-binding proteins from one another.








Acclaim PepMap for TFA-Free 肽譜
Acclaim® PepMap™ is a silica-based C18 stationary phase with virtually zero silanophilic activity, offering outstanding separation of peptides with minimal band broadening. As a result, TFA is no longer required in peptide mapping, allowing the use of solvent additives, such as formic acid, with substantially lower signal suppression and higher sensitivity in mass spectrometry (MS). Microcolumns packed with Acclaim PepMap are available from 75-µm i.d. up to 1.0-mm i.d. in different lengths and configurations to permit easy connection to MS.



Acclaim PepMap 微流速、毛細管預柱和分析柱
Micro and Nano Precolumns are used for preconcentration of dilute samples, in sample cleanup, or in various column-switching techniques. Dilute samples can be effectively concentrated on the micro or nano precolumn by selecting the proper packing material. Micro and nano precolumns are used for fast sample concentration in combination with large-volume injections. Column lengths of 1 mm for nano precolumns (300 µm i.d.) and of 5 or 15 mm for micro precolumns (i.d. 300, 500, 800 µm, or 1.0 mm) shorten loading time, which results in reduced overall analysis time. Desalting and multidimensional (2-D, 3-D, etc.) chromatography are other applications.



Acclaim PepMap and TiO2 Nano 預柱
Nano Precolumns are short columns (1 cm or 2 cm), with an inner diameter of 100 or 200 µm. They are used for preconcentration (focusing) of diluted samples, or in various column-switching techniques.



PepSwift 整體柱和蛋白預柱
PepSwift TM  Monolithic columns for proteomics applications offer various benefits over particulate columns. The polymeric rod with porous structure, and no intra-particular void volumes, improves both mass transfer and separation efficiency, allowing for fast, high-resolution separation of proteins and peptides. 氨基酸色譜柱
Dionex offers two approaches to amino acid analysis: (1) anion-exchange separation by AAA-Direct TM in which amino acids are detected directly, without the need for derivatization, or (2) anion-exchange separation with postcolumn derivatization. The AminoPac® PA10 is the recommended column for AAA-Direct, whereas the AminoPac PA1 is used with postcolumn derivatization. 核酸分析柱
The DNAPac® series of columns are polymer-based, anion-exchange columns that set the standard for oligonucleotide purity checks, fast screenings, and purification. The DNAPac PA200 offers exceptional resolution, phase stability over a broad pH range, and the ability to perform high-throughput separations. The DNAPac PA100 columns combine high-resolution separations with scalability for DNA analyses. Specially designed protocols using the Dionex BioLC® system enable resolution on these columns of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30-mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), and with the DNAPac PA100, linear double-stranded DNA and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA. 糖分析柱 
Whether your interest is oligosaccharide mapping, mono- and disaccharide analysis, or monitoring sugars and sugar alcohols, a CarboPac TM high-performance anion-exchange (HPAE) column can help. The CarboPac family of columns has five columns to choose from, and each is optimized for a different class of compounds. Combined with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD)—which provides a means to detect the carbohydrates without derivatization—the CarboPac columns provide you with a simple, reliable technique to separate your sugars.
Dionex offers three trap columns for bio applications to reduce sample preparation and ensure your successful chromatographic separation. The BorateTrapTM removes borate from the eluent and is recommended for sugar alcohol and monosaccharide applications. The AminoTrapTM retains amino acids contaminants in carbohydrate separations.  The SugarTrap removes carbohydrate contaminants from amino acid separations.
















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