· 數百家實驗室使用,上千篇文獻支持;
· 真實反映動物血壓,與直測血壓有99%的相近;
· 直接測量SBP(收縮壓)、DBP(舒張壓)、HR(心率)同時出MBP(平均壓);
· 業的分析軟件滿足不同客戶的數據分析;
· 使用示波法和紅外感應或血容量的測量方法,數據更加精確;
· 可根據需要,選擇多通道配置,同時測量多只大鼠或多只小鼠;
· 帶自動溫控保暖平臺,給動物維持一個穩定舒適的測量環境;
· 配置靈活,自由搭配:大鼠小鼠通用型檢測平臺,可根據需要選購大鼠或小鼠測試適配器
· MRBP的安裝過程非常簡單。硬件是參照人體工學理論設計的,目的是盡量方便用戶使用;
· 軟件就有很強的直觀性,因此您可以很快開始測量;
· 快捷的數據處理能力是實驗高效的保證
· MRBP能夠在嵌入數據中自動存儲和組織得到的數據
· 您可以根據需要提取相應的數據報告,再保存為EXCEL文檔作深入分析;
· MRBP不僅能夠提供精確的數據,在實驗流量很大的情況下還能保持高效率測量。這在大量測量表現性生物時時非常關鍵的;
· MRBP系統可以增加配置,同時測12只小鼠或大鼠;
· 大鼠小鼠通用一個平臺,只需要更換傳感器和鼠筒,就可以進行大鼠小鼠的測量;
· 為了更大程度的提高實驗流量,你可以配備更多的大鼠、小鼠固定器,讓老鼠盡快調整到可以接受測量的狀態,為接下來的實驗作準備;
· MRBP的可擴展性和靈活性是同類產品的;
· MRBP分析軟件界面直觀,您可以很快開始測量;
· 測量過程中的所有信息都會以波形的形式體現在各個窗口,嵌入式數據庫能夠儲藏和組織所有的數據。
· Wizard報告可以生成數據報告,您可以根據需要提取相應的數據,再保存為EXCEL文檔作深入分析;
· 軟件可免費升;
· MRBP能為您的投資帶來豐厚的回報;
· 綜合MRBP的所有性能,我們可以清楚的看到MRBP是用戶的良好選擇;
· 玉研儀器熱忱地歡迎您的來電來函!我們將根據您的需要,為您提供滿意的業售、售后服務,以及技術支持和產品培訓。
Geraniol improves endothelial function by inhibiting NOX-2 derived oxidative stress in high fat diet fed mice
X Wang, S Zhao, M Su, L Sun, S Zhang, D Wang… - Biochemical and …, 2016 - Elsevier... HFD controls; n = 20) for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, systolic blood pressure was measured using tail cuff plethysmography (IITC Life Science MRBP Blood Pressure System). The mice were deeply anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbital ...
Disruption of calpain reduces lipotoxicity-induced cardiac injury by preventing endoplasmic reticulum stress
S Li, L Zhang, R Ni, T Cao, D Zheng, S Xiong… - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2016 - Elsevier... Animals were acclimated in the environment for 5–10 min after occlusion cuffs and pulse transducers (MRBP system, IITC Life Science, USA) were placed on the tail. The values of at least 10 readings for each mouse were used for blood pressure. 2.4. ...
Influence of P2X receptors on renal medullary circulation is not altered by angiotensin II pretreatment
M Kuczeriszka, L Dobrowolski, A Walkowska… - Pharmacological …, 2016 - Elsevier... We confirmed that with this procedure systolic blood pressure (tail-cuff method, MRBP-3R, IITC Inc., Woodland Hills, CA, USA) increased gradually to about 190 mmHg, compared to about 130 mmHg measured in untreated SD rats. ...
Protective Effects of At1-Receptor Blocker and Ca Antagonist Combination on Renal Function in Salt Loaded Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats/Протективни Ефекти …
K Gjorgjievska, D Zafirov, M Jurhar-Pavlova… - prilozi, 2015 -... function tests. SBP was measured by a pletismografic method (IITC Life Science MRBP Blood Pressure System, California, USA) on the rats tail. Body weight was measured every second week of treatment. Renal functional ...
The Synthetic Tie2 Agonist Peptide Vasculotide Protects Renal Vascular Barrier Function In Experimental Acute Kidney Injury
E Rübig, J Stypmann, P Van Slyke, DJ Dumont… - Scientific …, 2016 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov... Immediately before the first ultrasound examination, average blood pressure and heart rate were measured via tail cuff in each animal (5 measurements) using the mouse blood pressure system MRBP-M01 (IITC Life science, Woodland Hills, CA, USA). ...
Changes in protein and gene expression of angiotensin II receptors (AT1 and AT2) in aorta of diabetic and hypertensive rats
R Romero-Nava, JE Rodriguez… - Clinical and …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis... Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate were measured by a non-invasive blood pressure tail-cuff method (MRBP Blood Pressure system, IITC, Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA) ...
Low-dose Insulin Treatment Ameliorate Glucose Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetic Rats. J Diabetes Metab 7: 635. doi: 10.4172/2155-6156.1000 635 Page 2 of 8 …
AXH Ng, SH Ton, KA Kadir - 2016 -... The blood pressure of rats were measured once every week using the MRBP Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Method Blood Pressure System (IITC Life Sciences, USA). The tail cuff with pulse transducer was applied onto the tail of the rat placed in a plastic restrainer. ...
Benefício da Utilização do Novo Alimento Funcional Salgante sem Sódio sobre os Níveis de Pressão Arterial em Animais Hipertensos
FSM Rodrigues, MA Yasuda, L de Paula… - Revista de Pesquisa …, 2015 - .br... Os parâmetros foram aferidos através de método não invasivo (indireto) utilizando equipamento MRBP (Mouse Rat Blood Pressure- IITC Life Science) nos dias zero (sem tratamento com NaCl ou Salgante - pó de aspecto cristalino, branco e fino, solúvel em água, com odor ...
Asic3 is a neuronal mechanosensor for pressure-induced vasodilation that protects against pressureulcers
B Fromy, E Lingueglia, D Sigaudo-Roussel… - Nature medicine, 2012 -
... The experimental protocol was approved by the scientific and ethics committees of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France (no. ... Blood pressure was monitored noninvasively throughout the experiment using a tail cuff system (IITC INC/Life Science Instruments). .. 《Nature Medicine》,五年影響因子高達27.887)
Salt–sensitive hypertension and reduced fertility in mice lacking the prostaglandin EP2 receptor
CRJ Kennedy, Y Zhang, S Brandon, Y Guan… - Nature medicine, 1999 -... Mouse blood pressure was measured using an IITC Life Science Model 27 cuff pump with a Model 179 blood pressure analyzer. ...