SpectraGuard SC反滲透阻垢劑高效控制膜污堵,可同時防止各種無機鹽垢,金屬垢和膠體所造成的反滲透膜污染,尤其適用于濃水側硅含量超過300PPM的情況。
SpectraGuard SC反滲透阻垢劑是針對原水中硅的控制而研發的一種超高性能反滲透化學品,它在全面控制各種無機垢類,金屬垢和膠體的同時,尤其對原水中含有的較多硅進行阻垢,有效防止其在反滲透膜上的沉積,本產品采用的是具有性的Dendrimer樹枝狀聚合物技術,其的分子構成確保其與水溶解,在使用時只須按計算加藥計量與相應比例的RO產水或經過預處理的凈水混合即可,(對于具體RO系統所確定的配藥比例,請依據原水的水質情況向相關供應商咨詢,一般加藥量為3ppm)。
SpectraGuard SC反滲透阻垢劑包裝采用的11倍美國原裝超級濃縮液,可以為您節約90%運輸成本及儲存空間,在一般存放條件下,藥劑有效期可超過2年(具體儲藏和使用條件請參閱相關說明),標準的11倍超級濃縮液商業包裝為5加侖(18.93升/桶),凈重22.7KG,相當于250KG標準液。
不同于傳統的含磷阻垢劑,SpectraGuard SC本身沒有任何含磷的成分,所以不會向加藥箱,輸水管和RO系統內部的細菌和微生物提供其生長所需的營養物質,從而消除了會導致膜系統生物污染和細菌超標的一大隱患,也不會導致與水中的金屬離子反應生成磷酸鹽沉淀而導致的膜元件污堵,SpectraGuard SC在極限的pH及溫度環境中也保持穩定。
SpectraGuard SC反滲透阻垢劑使用非常方便,可以在線連續注入反滲透系統,針對不同水質污染情況,本阻垢劑也可以與其它PWT相關產品,例如BioGuard微生物抑制劑按加藥比例混合于同一藥箱并由一點注入系統,節約加藥設備投資,方便操作控制,此外,其的分子結構使其本身對膜十分安全,就算在高濃度下(設備發生故障時,加藥過量)也不會在膜上發生任何沉積,結晶式附著而導致膜的污堵。
SpectraGuard SC通過ANSI/NSF Standard 60認證,反滲透飲用水處理系統也可放心使用本產品,從而獲得有效保護。
For controlling silica, iron, colloids, aluminum, barium sulfate, strontium sulfate, calcium sulfate, calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate.
SpectraGuard SC™ Liquid Super Concentrate
SpectraGuard liquid antiscalant/dispersant is a high-performance chemical pretreatment that controls inorganic scale, metals and colloids in RO feedwaters. Its unique performance characteristics provide users with complete control over system feedwater chemistry, while reducing membrane scaling tendencies and minimizing membrane cleaning requirements. SpectraGuard is compatible with all membrane types and system components.
SpectraGuard SC is a liquid super-concentrate which provides users the convenience of a 5 gallon (18.9 liter) pail equivalent to a 55 gallon (208.2 liter) drum of standard liquid antiscalant. SpectraGuard SC cuts shipping volume by 90% making it ideal for high-volume users.
SpectraGuard and SpectraGuard SC maintain performance integrity at extreme pH levels and temperatures. These products remain stable in the presence of m*lent ions such as iron. All SpectraGuard products are phosphate-free, and do not contribute to metal precipitation or biological growth in tanks, piping, or the RO.
SpectraGuard is typically dosed into feedwaters at the rate of 2-6 ppm and it may be blended with PWT’s BioGuard ACS™ and OrganoGuard™ products. As a liquid, SpectraGuard is ready to use and may be injected neat, or diluted to accommodate varying system sizes. SpectraGuard is available in 5 gallon (18.9 liter) pails, 55 gallon (208.2 liter) drums, totes, and in bulk.
Both SpectraGuard and SpectraGuard SC comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60 requirements and may be used on potable water systems.