


Spotlight 200i FT-IR Microscopy System with Spectrum Two

  • 公司名稱珀金埃爾默醫學診斷產品(上海)有限公司
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  • 更新時間2022/10/12 14:18:53
  • 訪問次數95

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珀金埃爾默致力于為創建更健康的世界而持續創新。我們為診斷、生命科學、食品及應用市場推出的解決方案,使科學家、研究人員和臨床醫生能應對最棘手的科學和醫療難題。憑借深厚的市場知識和技術專長,我們助力客戶更早地獲得更準確的洞見。我們在擁有13000名專業技術人員,幫助客戶為創建更健康的家庭、改善生活質量而不懈探索。珀金埃爾默于1978年進入中國,40年期間我們在環境健康、食品安全、生命科學、實驗室服務、大數據整體信息化解決方案、診斷等業務領域建立了強大的技術和售后服務團隊。為進一步滿足中國客戶的需求,珀金埃爾默不斷擴大規模,并在上海、廣州、北京、成都辦公大樓設立了客戶體驗中心(簡稱 CKC)、軟件研發團隊和應用開發中心,并在太倉設立了生產研發基地,只為與中國用戶離得更近。
Spotlight™ IR microscope systems are designed to meet the challenges of an expanding laboratory by generating high-quality, reproducible data from a variety of sample types. The Spotlight encompasses ......
Spotlight 200i FT-IR Microscopy System with Spectrum Two 產品信息

The Spotlight 200i FT-IR Microscopy System is designed with state-of-the-art technology to allow for intelligent automation and sophisticated analysis capabilities. The system utilizes a high performance single-point detector to deliver the best sensitivity, while white light LED illumination provides superior visible images. In addition, the Spotlight 200i also has the capability to be fully upgraded to the Spotlight 400 Imaging System.

Unique features of the Spotlight 200i System include:

  • High quality spectral production from sample areas with diffraction limits as low as 10 microns
  • Region of Interest (ROI) finding to allow for ease of analysis of multiple particles and layers all at once
  • Capability for operation in transmission, reflectance, and automated micro-ATR modes for maximum sampling flexibility
  • Configurability to be used with mid-IR, near-IR, or dual range FT-IR with the Frontier™ or Spectrum Two™ systems to give maximum information from samples in the shortest possible time.

FT-IR Microscopy for Every Challenge

The Spotlight 200i FT-IR Microscopy System can be configured to meet your FT-IR microscopy demands and produce high-quality spectra from extremely small samples. See the Configurations table below for the standard options.

  • Choice of a single element MCT (mercury cadmium telluride) (mid- or wide-band) detector, or a temperature-stabilized DTGS (deuterated triglycine sulfate) detector as standard configuration
  • Micro-ATR objective with a choice of a silicon or germanium crystal
  • Optional fully-integrated AutoATR objective that can be controlled through Spectrum software
  • Standard motorized stage that can be controlled by a joystick or through Spectrum software
  • White light LED illumination for true color display with capabilities for auto-illumination and autofocus modes
  • Spectrum 10™ software as standard with an option for enhanced security in Spectrum 10 ES™
  • Can be configured as a system with Spectrum Two or purchased as an upgrade package to an existing PerkinElmer FT-IR spectrometer.

A variety of optional accessories and consumables are available for use with the Spotlight systems, such as an infrared polarizer kit, heated stage accessory, crystal compression cells, and a micro-sampling tool kit for ease with sample handling and preparation.

Microscopy for a Variety of Applications

Easy to use, yet exceptionally powerful and versatile, the Spotlight’s flexibility and sensitivity make it a perfect addition to any lab setting, in any discipline. Some of the applications supported by the Spotlight 200i System include:

  • Materials Analysis
  • Forensics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biomedical Research
  • Academic Research
  • Biomaterials

Results Matter

The Spectrum 10 software suite drives the Spotlight 200i system and can support advanced FT-IR analysis in research and industrial laboratories, always providing optimal results. The software supplied with the system gives you full control over the microscope including the focusing on the sample, illumination, stage position, changing between sampling modes, and manipulating the spectra that you collect. The spectrometers can operate in ratio, single-beam, or interferogram mode. SpectrumIMAGE software enables control over the imaging system with the ability to view sample images with ease in real time. With Spectrum MultiSearch, identification of unknown mixtures is made simple through the use of comparison algorithms allowing for the separation and library matching of up to 10 components.

For regulated industries that demand secure IR quality testing, Spectrum 10 ES™ software is available and encompasses user access control, audit trailing, data security, and data integrity to ensure secure analyses to meet the technical demands of 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.


21 CFR Part 11兼容 Yes
深度 57.0 cm
檢測器類型 MCT
高度 47.0 cm
型號名稱 Spotlight 200i with Spectrum Two System
工作范圍(-60to400) 5 – 40 °C
便攜式 No
產品品牌名稱 Spotlight
產品組 Instrument
研究領域 Food & Agriculture
波長范圍 7,800 – 600 cm-1
重量 32.0 kg
寬度 34.0 cm


Model Spotlight Detector Spectrum Two System Includes PC with Stage Controller? Includes AutoATR Objective? Part Number Optional Extras
Spotlight 200i – Spectrum Two Standard MCT Standard LiTaO3 detector No No L1862103
  • PC with Windows 7 and motorized stage controller
  • AutoATR objective
  • Microscopy polarizer kit
  • Heated stage accessory
  • Micro-sampling tool kit
Spotlight 200i – Spectrum Two Standard DTGS Standard LiTaO3 detector No No L1862104
Spotlight 200i – Spectrum Two System MCT Temperature-stabilized DTGS detector, APV/AVI Yes No L1862105
Spotlight 200i – Spectrum Two with AutoATR MCT Temperature-stabilized DTGS detector, APV/AVI Yes Yes L1862106





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